My friends are all excited about Pinterest. Sign up for Pinterest. Look at all the cute things I found/saw/made/coveted... on Pinterest. Like this lovely and cozy chicken sweater for your free range, organic, Upstate New York winterized chicken.

I just laugh. I don't have time. We're having a blast, but no time for Pinterest. So sing the second verse with me: 5 college courses, 2 teen-agers, 1 pre-teen daughter, 2 L*I*T*T*L*E girls, one nursing baby, two house cats and a partridge in a pear tree.
Lol, I love the chicken cozy :)
I totally want sweaters for my NY winterized chickens! There's no way I'm taking the time to actually make them, though. Pinterest is fun! Hopefully it will still be there when you're done with your college classes! :)
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